58 tracks of office equipment, department store effects, supermarkets, buildings going up and coming down and more.
Track# - Title - Time (Length of Track)
1. Manual cash register opening, dropping in money, closing drawer 0:06
2. Manual cash register opening, dropping in money, closing drawer 0:08
3. Cash register opening, taking money out 0:09
4. Cash register opening, dropping money in 0:06
5. Supermarket cash register ringing up sale, drawer closing 0:10
6. Supermarket cash register ringing up sale, dropping in money, closing drawer 0:08
7. Department store cash register opening and closing 0:08
8. Department store cash register opening and closing 0:06
9. Department store cash register opening and closing 0:06
10. Adding machine 0:14
11. Typewriters (2) 1:12
12. Teletype receiver 1:08
13. Teletype of telegraphs 0:33
14. Printing press 1:10
15. Wirephoto machine 0:45
16. IBM computer (1402 card reader) 0:55
17. Voting machine with clicking of levers and opening curtain 0:16
18. Digital readout system for computer 1:22
19. IBM cardpunch machine 0:39
20. IBM typewriter 2:56
21. Computer typewriter 0:39
22. Morse code: SOS being sent 0:20
23. Morse code: SOS being received 0:22
24. Cash register in supermarket (NCR) 0:24
25. Pinball machine 0:32
26. Electric wood saw 0:56
27. Welding 0:20
28. Electric magnet with metal being attracted 0:35
29. Drill, hand held 0:14
30. Polaroid land camera shutter clicks 0:30
31. Polaroid timer buzzer 1:30
32. 35mm camera with electric film advance 0:22
33. 35mm camera with manual shutter 0:16
34. Tar roofing blowtorch 0:30
35. Excavation shovel 0:42
36. Wheel of fortune 0:10
37. Steam radiator 0:43
38. Water drill 0:35
39. Electronic flash, charge up, flash 0:22
40. Cement mixer 1:00
41. Water drill with screeching 0:55
42. Wood planer 1:00
43. Buzz saw 1:00
44. Heavy ratchet 0:17
45. Geiger counter 0:55
46. Pinball machine 0:38
47. Drop forge (different tempos) 0:55
48. Shearing (metal factory) 1:03
49. Pile driver 0:44
50. Factory noises 1:30
51. Air hammer (pneumatic) 2:00
52. Building sounds 1:14
53. Demolition sounds 1:15
54. Construction sounds (high rise) 1:05
55. Conveyor elevator 0:47
56. Roller coaster 2:15
57. Gas (hot air) furnace 1:26
58. Compressor for pneumatic hammer 0:37